Saturday, September 10, 2011

Import Aquavisie

At the moment I'm building a possibility to import information from Aquavisie. Aquavisie is a website containing a lot of information about aquatic animals. You can find Aquavisie here: When adding an animal to Carassius one could simply select import and click on the fish's name.
I've contacted the admin of Aquavisie and he has given me permission to use this public information to use in Carassius.
I'm working very hard on the importer and it will be included in the next release.
The information of a fish is displayed like this:
All the indicated fields can be imported if everything works fine :-)

Started blogging

From now on Carassius has a blog. Here I'll post updates, news, etc. concerning the application.
For those who don't know Carassius, you can check it out here.
At the moment Carassius is only available in Dutch but an English version is on the way (or you could download the sources and compile it yourself).